Anthony likes helping people reach their true potential. Being the victim of his own fears and insecurities in his own business, he has decided to help others create more opportunities.
Having a thriving business now is about keeping it adaptable. In a changing world, you can no longer afford to rest on your laurels when your business becomes profitable. New technology sprouts almost every day. New food trends appear without you knowing about them. Clients will expect a different experience at a restaurant in the future. On top of that, regulations never stop changing, and you constantly have to face new red tape. This is why restaurant owners should have their staff trained and kept up to date continually. This article introduces Appetite Learning (website here), an inexpensive platform that can help you train your staff without spending a fortune so you can be ahead of your competition.
The need for quality training
Training your staff is no longer a luxury. The rules of business change from month to month. It is extremely difficult to keep up to date with the latest safety measures and industry regulations. You would almost have to pay a full time law consultant, and they don’t come cheap.
Of course, there is also the possibility of only hiring qualified staff, but that is expensive too. Not to mention, people with degrees and diplomas are not more value to you once their training is outdated. The key to a successful business is to be able to hire anyone and train them to do what you want them to do.
This is where e-learning companies can help you keep your costs down. By helping your employees grow, you ensure a lower employee turnover rate. In addition, by providing them with a platform to pace their own training, you make the process more enjoyable for them, and less costly for you.
The e-learning revolution
Training your staff used to be expensive for several reasons. You had to replace missing employees as they went through the training. To make things worse, you had to bear the full cost of training. Since it generally involved hiring qualified people to train your staff, the cost was a bit prohibitive.
With e-learning you still pay for the cost of training, but it is much cheaper, since it doesn’t rely on people giving live training. This also means your employees don’t have to skip as many working days, perhaps to their dismay, but not yours. An additional benefit to self-paced training is the fact that your employees won’t be overwhelmed with information, as often happens after two days of intense learning.
E-learning platforms are multiplying precisely thanks to those few specific advantages. Since they don’t rely on teachers being present to train people, their business is much more scalable than traditional training agencies. This is why they are able to offer training packages at ridiculous prices compared to their offline competition. They can also individualise training by providing different stimuli through their platform.
Appetite Learning
Powered by Virtual College, Appetite Learning has established itself as the go-to company to train people working in hospitality. Their Learning Management System (LMS) concentrates all the content your employee needs so that they can learn at their own speed.
In terms of pricing, they have courses starting at £15 and great value packages from £100. That means any restaurant owner can use their platform and suit it to their needs. The subjects taught vary from safety and hygiene regulations to marketing and management courses.
Considering the hazard you face when you don’t follow the regulations, or the profits you can be missing out on by not marketing your business properly, the investment is more than worth it. A savvy restaurant owner should definitely be able to make the money invested back in profits relatively quickly by choosing the appropriate courses.
E-learning gives small restaurant owners the chance to prosper in a world where rules are changing constantly. Appetite Learning has made its courses affordable so that everyone can give it a try. You can also see it as an added value for your staff. Knowledge is power, if you apply it properly.