Anthony Dexmier

Anthony Dexmier

Anthony likes helping people reach their true potential. Being the victim of his own fears and insecurities in his own business, he has decided to help others create more opportunities.

His journey started as an English teacher, until he decided to go into entrepreneurship. Taking advantage of his writing skills, he promoted his services mainly through content marketing.

Today he coaches entrepreneurs to help them use the full spectrum of tools available to them in the digital world. He also writes and curates content for businesses who have no time to promote themselves online efficiently.

Recent articles by Anthony Dexmier

How To Serve Food Faster With New Technologies

People value their time more than anything now. By using table trackers to make your food faster, you can improve your reputation. Here is how.

How Foodie Express Is Revolutionising Food Delivery For Restaurants

Restaurants don't often include food delivery in their service. By turning their back on such a valuable asset, they're losing money and customers. Foodie Express offers a simple solution to make it easy for restaurants to make their food available to more people. Learn how this company is revolutionising the restaurant industry by making the hiring of delivery people affordable.

Running A Profitable Restaurant: 6 Key Metrics You Should Track

Few businesses last more than three years. Running a successful restaurant business that satisfies your customers, your staff and yourself is a constant challenge. You constantly have to think ahead with all of your decisions. Whether it’s about hiring new staff or making other investments, you can’t just wing it. And you can’t afford to […]

Why Mobile Ordering Can Significantly Improve Customer Experience

Mobile ordering isn't just for corporations.Every restaurant can benefit from this small investment, as it can dramatically improve customer experience. Here's why.

How to Make Your Restaurant The Best At Customer Satisfaction

Restaurants thrive on their reputation. By prioritising customer satisfaction, you can stand out from your competition. This article show you how.

How to use tablets for your restaurant

Tablets for restaurants are only now becoming a trend. There is a considerable competitive advantage to be gained by using tablets. Learn why and how.

Why mobile marketing is essential for restaurants

Restaurants tend to pick up new strategies last because too many restaurants think old school. This article will show you how to get a competitive edge by using mobile marketing.

6 Apps Every Restaurant Owner Should have

Apps can save you a lot of time so you can focus on the well-being of your customers and your team. Here are the top 6 apps for restaurant owners.

How To Positively Use Brexit In Your Restaurant

Brexit has shaken the business world. While even the best experts can’t be certain about the outcomes, there will almost certainly be an economic impact. Right now the most likely scenario is that food and drink prices will increase, as Britain will no longer have access to the European Single Market.

How To Make Your Restaurant Kids Friendly

Parents are often an untapped market for restaurants. By making sure your restaurant is kids friendly, you can easily attract more people. This article shows you how.

How To Turn Negative Restaurant Reviews Into A Positive Marketing Tool

Most restaurant owners panic when negative reviews pop up on the web, but there is a way to turn them around and get more clients in the process...