Erika Silva Aguilera

Erika Silva Aguilera

Erika Silva Aguilera is a consultant and teacher specialized in catering/foodservices. She assists restaurant owners and managers in boosting their sales and improving the management of their business to optimize their profitability.

She is also the director of – and teacher at – the Escuela de Hostelería Marketing Gastronómico (School of Hotel Management and Gourmet Marketing)

She studied Hotel Administration, specializing in gastronomy, at the INACAP Technological University of Chile, considered one of the world’s eight best schools for hotel management and gastronomy by the Leading Hotel Schools of the World association. She also studied at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration.

In addition, Erika has worked for leading hotel chains such as Hyatt, as well as within the Spanish Tapelia franchise, and in various restaurants in Chile, Spain, the US and the UK. She speaks at a number of conferences in Colombia and Chile.

Since 2008, she has dedicated her time exclusively to training on research and marketing in the catering industry, which leads her to regularly participate in seminars and conferences throughout Spain.

Erika is the author of the marketing gastronómico blog on which she shares all the latest marketing and management strategies and trends in relation to restaurants.

“By creating this blog from A to Z, I have been able to fully grasp what exactly an online brand represents, how it is created, and how to make it thrive over time. As a result, I now feel ready and able to support restaurant managers and owners to help them leverage new technologies and social media platforms.”