Chelsea Allenby is a Digital Marketer of 9 years and Managing Director of Allenby Digital Ltd, an online marketing agency she set-up in 2015, specialising in social media and content marketing. www.chelseamarketing.co.uk
Mastering Twitter is underpinned by the same concept as any social media platform. Sharing great content; funny, interesting, relatable things that each have a purpose. Before you tweet anything, try answering the question, why am I tweeting this; what benefit will it bring to my restaurant? Even a 140 character tweet should be written with real purpose.
Fill Out Your Bio In Full
One of the first things you should do is fill out your bio in detail and make sure your profile is complete. Customers need to know exactly what kind of food you offer, where you’re located and how to view your website for further details or even online ordering. This information should be made clear in your Twitter bio. Leaving it blank is a big mistake, it takes two minutes to fill out a bio so don’t neglect it!
You can also use your bio to pull people in and convert them to followers. A good approach for this is to let people know what they’ll gain from following your restaurant on Twitter. Will you be offering exclusive discounts & freebies? If so, mention it in your bio.
Use Engaging Visual Content
Tweet photos of your food, staff and customers on a weekly basis. Try to use as much visual content as you possibly can, these are the tweets which will gain the most traction. Images are 94% more likely to get retweeted, which brings us on to the next tip.
Encourage Retweets
Retweets happen when someone sees one of your tweets and likes it that much they want to re-share it with their own followers. It’s clear that this is very beneficial for restaurants; it works the same as word of mouth and it’s a validation that you’re relevant and engaging. How then do you encourage more people to retweet your tweets? The best way is to simply share the best content you can. Make sure every tweet is to the highest quality; attach creative photos to your tweets and give followers a reason to engage.
Here are some tips and tricks you and try to get more retweets:
Run a competition offering a free drink to anyone who retweets and visits your restaurant.
Retweet other people’s content, this will attract those people back to your own tweets and they might return the favour.Try to be unique; tweet about things that aren’t already being talked about.
Ask questions – not only will people reply but they might also retweet to see what their followers think too.
Statistically the three most retweeted words are ‘you, ‘Twitter’ and ‘please’, so try incorporating these words where you can & see what response you get.
Start A Hashtag
What’s the point of a hashtag you might be asking? It’s a way to create new discussion about your restaurant and encourage others to join in with that conversation. If you have enough chatter around your brand then you might want to consider starting a hashtag. Aim to use a variation of your brand name within the hashtag, but make sure there’s a reason behind it. For example, if your restaurant is well-known for a special dish, then a hashtag could help spread the message. If your restaurant is known for speedy deliveries or brilliant freebies, again you could incorporate this.
Pin A Top Tweet to Your Profile
Twitter gives you the option to ‘pin’ any of your previous tweets to the top of your feed on your profile. This is always advisable because your best tweets can get lost after a few hours. Use the pin tool to feature your most compelling content; a special offer, a freebie or competition or even a new menu item. It’s the first tweet that someone will see when they land on your Twitter profile, so make it a good one. First impressions count and it’s the first few tweets that typically convince someone whether or not to follow you.